

Credibly reintermediate backend ideas for cross-platform models. Continually reintermediate integrated processes through technically sound intellectual capital. Holistically foster superior methodologies without market-driven best practices.

Information about the Work Training Module within the Initial Vocational Education and Training (IVET): Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport


Information about the Work Training Module within the Vocational Training for Employment (CVET): Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE) website: The  Spanish Public Employment Service (SEPE)


Information about the Contract of Training and Apprenticeship and Dual Vocational Training: The Ministry of Employment and Social Security


There is no apprenticeship scheme in Slovenia.

You can find more information about other education alternatives:

Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes – CMEPIUS


Information about dual education and placements for apprenticeship can be found on the website of national project Development of secondary Vocational Education and Training and at websites of chambers of employers and associations of employers.

The applicants for places in dual education system can ask all chambers and associations of employers in Slovakia.

Rozvoj stredného odborného vzdelávania


Slovenská živnostenská komora


Slovenská Banská Komora


Slovenská poľnohospodárska a potravinárska komora


For more information, the candidates may address to the country agencies for employment which are the territorial structures of the National Agency for Employment. Their addresses and websites are available on NAE’s websites: http://www.anofm.ro.  On the same website are advertised the job vacancies in Romania.

These courses are developed by the Employment and Vocational Training centres of IEFP, by the Sectorial Vocational Training Centres managed jointly by IEFP and the Social Partners – that are privileged structures concerning the information on skills needs in the respective sectors of activity due to the proximity to companies, with whom they work side-by-side -, as well by certified training providers (external training providers).

More information available at the nearest  Vocational Training/Job Centre or at the IEFP webpage at www.iefp.pt or send us your question by accessing this link:  www.iefp.pt/en/contactos

Information and opportunities for all types of apprenticeships

Apprenticeships for intermediary vocational education (MBO)

Apprenticeships on BA and MA levels (HBO and WO)

Commercial websites with opportunities (all levels, Dutch)

Other information for students

All students registered on a vocational course offered on an apprenticeship scheme are eligible for work experience with an industrial sponsor. The Apprenticeship Department within MCAST communicates all apprenticeship vacancies offered by industrial sponsors through email, institute notice boards and course coordinators.